Summer Pet Care Tips – Part 2

Summer Pet Care Tips – Part 2

Summer is quickly approaching and it is time to start thinking about how to take of your pets in the midst of the heat. Nutritious pet treats help your pet stay fit, but there are summer hazards you need to steer your pet clear of ensuring you keep your pet safe throughout the summer months. We touched base on a few summer pet care tips in the prior blog. But here is part two of our “Summer Pet Care Tips.”

Beware of Pesticides and Fertilizers

During the summer months, it is common to find our neighbors working in the yard. People are constantly sprucing trees, picking vegetables, and manicuring lawns. And it is natural to take your dog with you while visiting the neighbors and exercising outside. Be prepared to block your pet from getting into fertilized and freshly sprayed plants.  For yards may be filled with insecticides, and if ingested these chemicals can cause more harm than good.

Dress Your Pets with Identification Tags

Your pets will be roaming around in the summer and you need to be prepared if they get away from you. Providing your pets with identification tags is a solid method of keeping your pets safe if they get lost. Pets get the urge to travel during the warm months, so keep your pets equipped with identification tags.

Watch Your Pets Around Water

It is not a wise decision to leave your pets alone while around and/or in a pool. You want to prevent any fatal circumstances from occurring. Supervise pool time with your pets. You want to make sure your animals are safe while enjoying a dip in the water.

These are great tips to preserve your animals’ health during the summer months. To maintain a high level of health, feed your pets grain-free pet food.

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