A Letter from the Mom of Dr. Becker's Bites | Merry Christmas

A Letter from the Mom of Dr. Becker's Bites | Merry Christmas

Greetings this Christmas season to you and to all whom you love…
The Becker family Christmas scene changes almost annually anymore. What were once almost cut in stone activities at Christmas time have taken on a different look, a good look, a quieter look and a more peaceful, less stressful look. Change can be such a good thing…
Merry Christmas from Arizona
My daughter Karen, me and my husband Jim
I’ve reduced the number and variety of Christmas cookies I bake, the number of gifts I buy as well as the activities my husband and I participate in during the holiday season. And I love the change. What hasn’t changed is the ‘Charlie Brown’ Christmas tree that I purchased 150 years ago, the sandwich cookie that my mother made only at Christmas time, that one special gift for that one special person, classical Christmas music filling the house, the scent of pine and Christmas, the several family birthdays that occurred so close to Christmas, our Christmas Eve hors d’ourvey dinner and it’s all topped off with our church celebration.
Happy Holidays from Ohio
Blair and Frank
Quiet, peaceful and reflective is more the norm for us these days. We have a fireplace, even In this desert environment! Yes, mornings can be chilly during the winter months and we love Christmas morning in front of a warm fire, enjoying a good cup of coffee.
Blessings from Illinois
John's "Pack" - Peyton, Emma, Dory, Jack and Charlie
And…Dr. Becker’s Bites ovens will continue to turn out all the favorite treats you are accustomed to sharing with your favorite pets, all during the Christmas season.
From the mom and all the Dr. Becker’s Bites Family, we wish you every blessing of Christmas! Have a joy filled, merry, jolly, happy Christmas, we love you all!
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